Crc pr exame de suficiencia 2018 by chaddqwl - Issuu

Postgraduate - University of the South Pacfic

(iii) a student who has obtained a GPA of 4.5 after attaining at least 30 credits in a Postgraduate Diploma programme may be admitted to the Masters Degree programme provided one of the courses is Research Methods. (v) in the case of joint publication(s), a declaration by the authors must be submitted showing the percentage of contribution by each author, with the students contribution being no less than seventy percent; and Sabemos como é difícil passar em um concurso público, por isso criamos este curso no intuito de preparar nossos alunos e fazer esta árdua tarefa facilitar-se ao máximo. O Espaço Jurídico tem o propósito de oferecer as melhores condições para a aprovação em concursos públicos.

exame de suficiencia crc pr

5 credit points and a maximum of 90 credit points in 1 discipline (hereafter referred to as the major discipline), chosen from the list of disciplines permitted for that Bachelors degree, as follows: (a) The 3-year Bachelor programmes require the completion of 180 credit points. The 4-year prescribed programmes require the completion of 240 credit points). The 5-year combined programmes require the completion of 300 credit points. To be eligible to the award of a Masters Degree, a student must complete a minimum of 120 credit points, except where it builds upon 4 years of prior study successfully completed at Bachelor Degree Level or above, in which case it can be fewer than 120 credit points, but no fewer than 60 credits. All credit points for a Masters Degree must be achieved at Levels 8 and 9. (g) USP may, before a semester/trimester, decline to enrol a person in a programme of study or register a person in a course, where there are insufficient resources to deliver the programme or course. All international applicants whose entry level qualification was not in English must meet the Universitys English language requirements for admission.

(c) The thesis may be soft cover or ring-bound for the purpose of the examination but, before the award of the degree, students must deposit with the USP Library two hardbound copies (three in the case of students of Samoa or Emalus) and one soft copy for retention by the University. (a) For the examination of the Masters thesis the relevant Academic Unit Research Committee shall appoint two examiners, one of whom shall be a USP staff. The other examiner shall be external to the University.

(i) Other Subjects for Bachelor of Arts (EXCEPT major(s) and or minor in Journalism, Law, Linguistics, Literature and Literature & Language); Bachelor of Commerce (major(s) & or minor(s) with no Maths emphasis); Bachelor of Geospatial Science; Bachelor of Arts + Graduate Certificate in Education (except Teaching Subject Major in Literature & Language) (i) and Achieved or better, and a minimum of 50 each in 3 Other Subjects for Bachelor of Arts (major(s) & or minor in Journalism, Law, Linguistics, Literature and Literature & Language); Bachelor of Arts & Graduate Certificate in Education (with Teaching Subject major in Literature & Language); Bachelor of Laws (LLB); Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (BA/LLB) (with major(s) and or minor in Journalism, Linguistics, Literature & Literature & Language) and Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Laws (BCom/LLB) (a) The University may, at any time decline or cancel any persons admission to any programme or any students registration for any course if it is satisfied that evidence supplied in support of the application was untrue or misleading. (a) a single major comprising a minimum of 67.

Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programme Requirements and Admission Regulations

Exame de suficiencia crc pr - 1.7 To be eligible for the award of a Bachelors Degree, a student must complete a minimum of 180 credit points for a three-year degree, 240 credit points for a four-year degree and 300 credit points for a five-year degree.

(b) Auditing of courses shall be limited to attendance at lectures and there shall be no entitlement to attend tutorials, to take tests, to have assignments marked or graded or to use library and other facilities. (d) Such students will if they wish, be admitted to the programme in which they were previously enrolled but they will follow the most current programme structure. Credit for any course completed previously and deemed relevant to the new structure may be transferred. (d) submit a thesis embodying the results of the research to satisfy any requirement for oral, written, practical or other work that may be required by Senate or the relevant Academic Unit Research Committee. (d) A PhD candidate is also required to make an oral defence as part of the thesis examination to the relevant school/section, examiners, and members of the Academic Unit Research Committee. As a part of the oral defence, the student makes a formal presentation of about 45 minutes summarizing the research and outcomes, followed by questions. The examiners (at least two) will then have a close session with the student and decide the result of the public defence and the thesis and communicate in writing the results to the AURC.

When examination scores are used to demonstrate English proficiency, these scores must have been attained within 2 years of the date of application for admissions. USP accepts the following methods as evidence of proficient English language skills: (b) Students enrolling for Unclassified Studies must meet the admission requirements and prerequisites as appropriate, except where it is provided as a bridging programme for admission from Year 12 or Year 13 or equivalent. (d) The normal period of candidature for the degree of Master shall be 120 credit points (two years full-time or four year part-time study) or Postgraduate Diploma (60 credit points) plus thesis (60 credit points). 10. 2 For the purposes of examination the student shall submit 3 copies of their PhD thesis or 2 copies of their Masters thesis or Supervised Research Project to the Vice-Chancellor or delegate. The copies may be soft-cover or ring-bound for this purpose. (f) Student registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall remain provisional until the formal acceptance of the research proposal. For full time students, the proposal should be submitted in the prescribed format by the end of the first semester; for part time students, the proposal should be submitted by the end the second semester.

(f) The applicants signature on a Registration Form or electronic consent at registration indicates a declaration that the information provided is complete and accurate and that the applicant will abide by the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and rules of the University when admitted to USP. (a) The Certificate programmes provide short academic programmes appropriate to the acquisition of basic knowledge and operational skills, together with an introduction to the theoretical aspects of the areas of study. (c) The fulltime load for a Bachelors programme shall be 30 credit points (4 courses) in each semester. A student will not be allowed to take an overload. The part-time load would be a maximum of 15 credit points which is 50 of the full-time load per semester.


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